Well we finally have the internet and it just blows my mind. I didn't realise how much info was out there, nor how much time I would spend just looking and reading.
Naturally one of the first things I looked up was crazy patchwork and landed straight in Sharon's Blog. WOW!!! I just had to be part of that group.
BUT HOW?????
After many trials and loads of frustration I uploaded a picture to flickr, not the one I wanted to of course, but I got there, I,m still not sure how.
Just joining Sharon's group was hard enough I sent my message and thought it got lost in cyberspace, so I sent another. Thank goodness I gave up because lo and behold looking through her blog the next day there I was TWICE. How embarrassing. Just imagine a whole page of Hi. I'm Annette. Never mind I'm sure it's happended to others.
So I,ve been learning, learning, learning. My needlework has been sitting, sitting, sitting as I promise myself to look at only one more site. Thanks everyone for being out there and sharing your work it's fantastic and inspiring.
Hopefully I'll be out there soon sharing and learning.