Monday, April 2, 2007


Have been playing around with felt, layering and dyes just lately. Had an attempt at needlelace, this was the result. It's probably worth another try, I might follow some instructions and do some samplers in needlace first instead of being so ambitious. When I drew him I forgot his fins poor fellow. Anyway he kept me busy and out of trouble for a while.


Jo in NZ said...

Hi Annette. I had to laugh at your earlier post "we have got the internet, and WOW!" There is a whole world out there to keep you busy with ideas and inspiration. I love the quilt you pieced together with the scarf scraps, a lovely serene piece.
If you are enjoying the TAST group, you may be interested in joining up other groups, where members do swaps, and round robins etc. Let me know and I'll send you some links.

another wee tip is to leave comments on blogs you visit, and you will build up the traffic that visits your blog that way.

... "welcome to our world.." Enjoy

Vivian said...

lovely colours in your felt and the stitching is a nice compliment