Deerfield Embroidery. This is a sampler I completed a while back from a magazine but I don't know which magazine. Again it's been shoved in the cupboard for ages. Although it's pretty and the stitches are good (it was a great way to practice and get buttonhole stitch sitting in the right direction) and I enjoyed researching the history of Deerfield embroidery, instead of thinking it through I've put the design right in the middle of the material so if I did use it on a table the lamp or bowl would sit on top of the embroidery so you couldn't see it. I suppose I could do some add on's in the corner's giving it a bit of flow, or again it could go in a frame. I'd like to thin it down and add it to the border of a nice pillow case. It was really quite relaxing to do once I got the hang of the curves. Turning your work and holding it towards you really helps.
This is too lovely to be shoved in a cupboard...Hi, Thank you for your comment on my blog
This is really lovely, I really want to try this method of embroidery. I'm very much like you, I have projects which are not finished in a cupboard and every now and then I pull a few out to complete - but there always seems to be a never ending pile of un-finished. lol
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