Just relaxing with a cup of tea. This was sewn at football trial games. I have three boys all of whom play footy so I usually take something easy to do along, even if I just do a few stitches. Any way this was my pre season effort. Tomorrow is the first real game of the season, we start with a home game. My husband was the secretary of the club last year, but this year he's taken a step back to just a committee member, as the committe for this year is all new we've been helping them get started, and boy is my head spinning. I've made eight sets of goal flags this week, plus ice bags that they needed sewing up and have picked up vouchers from sponsors, cooked barbecues. It's a huge day tomorrow we'll start at 7.00am but on top of all that it's also our 30th anniversary so after all the games doing the barbie and after preso's we've got a live band so we'll dead on our feet. Sunday this week will be the same as our mini's start and our under 14's have a second side. We'll be recruiting parents to help because as usual it's always the same people doing the work, too many jobs and not enough people, and don't worry I'm used to all the armchair critics they can say what they want it won't upset me, so wish us all the best. There are some very nice people at the club, but you get all kinds, we'll stick with nice and go in with the right attitude. Anyway I've got 5 kilos of onions to cut up so I best get on with it.